Become a Witch in a World Full of Ghost StoriesBecoming a Witch in a World Full of Monster Stories; 在充满怪谈的世界里成为魔女; Zai Chongman Guaitan De Shijie Li Chengwei Monv; Zài Chōngmǎn Guàitán De Shìjiè Lǐ Chéngwéi Mónǚ; Become a Witch in a World Full of Ghost Stories; Become an Enchantress in a World Full of Ghost Tales
Day1: Recently my eyes seem to be a bit off, always seeing strange things. Wait, the cabinet seems to be moving, I'll go check it out. Day13: I see them! Damn! Why is this world full of bizarre stories! ...... Day101: There's nothing to be afraid of anymore! Donning a witch's gown, I've become a weirdo!
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